“Believe while others are doubting;
Plan while others are playing;
Study while others are sleeping;
Decide while others are delaying;
Prepare while others are daydreaming;
Begin while others are procrastinating;
Work while others are wishing;
Save while others are wasting;
Listen while others are talking;
Smile while others are frowning;
Commend while others are criticizing;
Persist while others are quitting.”
~ William Arthur Ward
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." Napoleon Hill
"Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others.” Wayne Dyer
"A vision without action is an illusion. An action without vision is confusion!" ~ Willie Jollie
"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have." Vince Lombardi
The flow of ecstasy is blocked by the hallucination of separate self. Love compassion, joy at the success of others, equanimity restore it.
Five Lessons for Next Time Banks Come Begging: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com http://ping.fm/Lxozl
Reliance Communications ties-up with Univercel http://ping.fm/lX9sY
Reliance Communications ties-up with Univercel http://ping.fm/RwuAi
CNBC-TV18 - How 'outsourcing' production crippled America http://ping.fm/0wyYr
indus invsetment services http://ping.fm/UZMF4

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