Too much TV increases heart risk

Every hour spent in front of television increases the risk of dying from heart disease by 7 per cent, a study has revealed.

Those looking at their favourite progammes for four hours a day face a 28 per cent rise in the risk. The research led by Medical Research Council shows that changes in lifestyle could stem the toll from heart disease.

For almost a decade, researchers from the MRC Epidemiology Unit studied 13,197 middle-aged, healthy men and women in Norfolk. It showed that 373 of the participants died from heart disease.

It was found that the amount of time spent watching television was a significant marker of the likelihood of death from heart disease.

Scientists estimated that deaths can be avoided if TV viewing times had been reduced from four hours a day to just one hour, reports

Study co-author Dr Katrien Wijndaele warned: "Our bodies are not designed to sit for long periods and we should be aware that, as we put in the TV hours watching the World Cup, our risk of heart disease is probably increasing".
Prompted by the failure of scientists working on the greatest problem of modern physics, Lord Martin John Rees, English cosmologist and astrophysicist, president of the Royal Society, in a Sunday Times interview, said, “A ‘true’ fundamental theory of the universe may exist but could just be too hard for human brains to grasp.”

While this is an honest admission by a scientist of the limitations of physical science, is this statement correct? Can a human brain not grasp it through spirituality?
In its typical style, Indian Govt. has once again made the tax-payer responsible for compensating the victims of Bhopal gas tragedy, thus saving the culprits for another 10 years; also saving those responsible for misusing their position and power in facilitating safe passage to the culprits; and getting the sympathy (votes) of the public!

“One word to describe the govt – INHUMAN,” says Nuthakki Radhakrishna.
Love and awareness is the highest form of polarity - just like man/woman, life/death, darkness/light, summer/winter, outer/ inner, yin/yang, the body and the soul, the creation and the creator. Love and awareness is the highest form of polarity, the last polarity, at which transcendence happens.
Love needs two. It is a relationship, it is outgoing, it is energy moving outwards. There is an object: the beloved. The object becomes more important than yourself. Your joy is in the object. If your beloved is happy, you are happy; you become part of the object. There is a kind of dependence, and the other is needed. Without the other you will feel lonely.
Awareness is just being with yourself in utter aloneness, just being alert. It is not a relationship, the other is not needed at all. It is not outgoing, it is ingoing.
Love is the movement of the light out of your being. Awareness is the reverse movement, the backward movement of the light to the source again, returning to the source.
Love is very essential. You have to lose yourself to gain yourself. Love is the only possibility of losing yourself totally. When you are lost totally, then you will be able to remember what you have done.
It is like a fish which has always lived in the ocean. It will never become aware of the ocean and the benediction of it. It has to be caught in a net, a fisherman has to come to take it out, throw it on the shore. Only on the shore, in the hot sun, will it remember for the first time. Although it lived for years in the ocean, it was oblivious, completely oblivious, of the ocean. Now the thirst, the heat, makes it mindful of the ocean. A great longing arises to go back to the ocean. It makes every effort to jump back into the ocean.
That is the state of a seeker: thirsty to be back at the original source. And if this fish can enter the ocean again... can't you imagine the celebration! And the fish has lived in the ocean forever but there was no celebration. Now there is the possibility of celebration. Now it will feel so delighted, so blessed.
Love is a must for spiritual growth. And, moreover, love functions as a mirror.
In moments of deep love there are glimpses of the original face, although those glimpses are coming as reflections. Just as on a full moon night you see the moon reflected in the lake, in the silent lake, so love functions as a lake. The moon reflected in the lake is the beginning of the search for the real moon.
Love on the one hand will give you great joy and on the other hand will give you a thirst for eternal joy.

This song of mine will wind its music around you,
my child, like the fond arms of love.

The song of mine will touch your forehead
like a kiss of blessing.

When you are alone it will sit by your side and
whisper in your ear, when you are in the crowd
it will fence you about with aloofness.

My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,
it will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.

It will be like the faithful star overhead
when dark night is over your road.

My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes,
and will carry your sight into the heart of things.

And when my voice is silenced in death,
my song will speak in your living heart.

~Rabindranath Tagore

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