Thanks for being my friend

I don’t think you know what you mean to me
But you mean a lot
The chance of us not being friends
Is a real long shot

I hate when you’re sad
I love it when you’re happy
Because if your upset
It makes me feel crappy

Thanks for always being there
When I needed you most
If it weren’t for you the chances of me not being here
Would have really come close

I don’t know what I would do
If you weren’t my friend
I don’t think my heart
Would ever mend

I hope you know I always have your back
Just like you’ve had mine
And it will always stay that way
Until the end of time

We’ll be friends
Hopefully without end
So I just wanna say thanks
Thanks for being my friend
My Beautiful Friend

You made me laugh when I cried so hard
You gave me bracelets to cover my scars
You held me close when I was so cold
You offered a comforting hand to hold

You picked me up whenever I fell
You showed me heaven when I was blinded by hell
You answered my calls in the darkened night
You gave me the reasons to hold on and fight

You rescued me when I was drowning in pain
You placed me back on the right path again
You loved me forever and stayed by my side
You entered my heart as an angel to guide

You may not be with me so much anymore
But I know you will leave open a beckoning door
I miss you so much but I'll fight till the end
I love you so much my Bestest friend.
I just want one more day with you

I'm so sad and depressed
Is all I want to do is rest
I go to sleep at night
But my dreams I just can't fight

I think of you lying in that bed
And wonder if there is anything I could have said
I wish you were still here
But I know that you are still near

I love you more than you know
I just wish you didn't have to go
I just want one more day with you
And I know thats what you would have wanted too

I miss you more and more each day
There is so much more we had to say
I know I will see you again
But my life is just started to begin.
When you have a dream you've got to grab it and never let go.
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.
ठी इक हूक जो इन मौसमों की आवाजाही से
बना जाये है इक तस्वीर यादों की सियाही से

कि होती जीत सच की बात ये अब तो पुरानी है
दिखे है रोज सर इसका कटा झूठी गवाही से

नहीं दरकार है मुझको किनारों की मिहरबानी
बुझाता प्यास हूँ दरिया की मैं अपने सुराही से

किया है जुगनुओं ने काम कुछ आसान यूँ मेरा
बुनूँ मैं चाँद का पल्ला सितारों की उगाही से

जिबह होता है इक हिस्सा उमर का रोज ही मेरा
सुबह जब मुस्कुराता है ये सूरज बेगुनाही से

अजब आलम हुआ जब मौत आई देखने मुझको
दिखा तब देखना उनका झरोखे राजशाही से

घड़ी तुमको सुलाती है घड़ी के साथ जगते हो
जरा सी नींद क्या है चीज पूछो इक सिपाही से

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