Who Can Apply For Bank Exams In 2013 [New Rules Explained]

A committee under the chairmanship ofDr.A.K.Khandelwal (former MD,Bank of Baroda) was setup in the year 2009 to study the HR issues in public sector banks
The submitted report contained 105 recommendations & most of it was accepted by Govt. Of India.A notification was also sent to all public sector banks in October 2011 for executing the aforesaid.
In the same year, common written examination (CWE) for banking jobs were introduced. But candidates were not happy with the selection process & many complaints were forwarded to various officials.
Govt Initiates Makeover!

In a communiqué dated Oct 2012 the ministry gave its approval for certain measures (published on their website)
Here are the new eligibility conditions for those looking to register for IBPS common bank exams.
Age limit for clerical & PO cadre shall be the same. Minimum: 20; Maximum: 28 years(relaxation in max. age for sc/st/obc/PWD/EXS as per current rules) The min. educational qualification for clerk: Graduation & for PO`s: Graduation with 60% Literacy in computers in compulsory for both cadres.The applicant must either have a certificate in computer operations OR should have comp.sci./IT as a subject in school/college. |
Although aspirants could be surprised, the criteria are inline with the recommendations of khandelwal committee.
When is the Implementation?
With new criterion in place the next question in mind would be related to its enforcement.
On raising this query to a senior official at IBPS, he said ‘This is a government directive & we will abide by it.’
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection had invited applications for the forthcomingclerical common exam with these recent eligibilities only. So it has already come into force.