[New Entry by William Clare Roberts on March 7, 2025.] The uses of the word
"ideology" are so divergent as to make it doubtful that there is any
The Best Of 2024: Back To Basics!
The guilds have had their say — now it’s down to us, with our picks for
what stood out most in 2024, along with the results from our Reader's
Choice Poll!
Unknown Unknowns. An Introduction to Mysteries
The show addresses a series of themes including: gravity as “the greatest
designer”, extraterrestrial architecture, deep space mysteries, future body
61-day fishing ban from April 15
RAMANATHAPURAMThe 61-day annual fishing ban would come into force from
April 15 to June 14, said Collector Dinesh Ponraj Oliver here on Monday.To
Google Tag Manager Book
I am pleased to announce that my first ever book is now available on Amazon
*Google Tag Manager - Zero to Hero*
This book teaches you everything you...
Aston Martin falls 5% in its London IPO
Aston Martin is joining the ranks of listed automakers with an IPO that
values the British company at more than $5 billion.
Blog Exercise: New Years Reboot, Restart, Kick Ass
“It’s that time of year when the world falls in love…” The Christmas Waltz
by Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn I’d like to think that New Year’s thinking
Can Investors Recover Faith In Energy Recovery?
by Debra Fiakas CFA Despite reporting the highest gross profit margin in
Energy Recovery's (ERII: Nasdaq) history, investors were sorely
disappointed with...
Some Shameless Self Promotion
Sometimes people ask me if I'll ever write a book about storyboarding. I
would never want to do that...I enjoy sharing what little I know for free,
and I'v...
Moving to the Google Developers Blog
For the latest news about developing for Google+, please read the Google
Developers blog. We’ll post all new announcements about the Google+ API,
buttons, ...
Humble Heather
*Early 19th century hand-coloured *
*engravings of heath flowers*
The vast majority of the 860+ species in the genus Erica (heaths/heather)
are endemic t...
New Freelance Job Site AwesomeWeb Launches
AwesomeWeb is the latest freelance job site to enter the market. It is a
“marriage” of the teams behind 1stWebDesigner and IncomeDiary. They claim
Can't Stop Eating Late at Night
Eating late at night isn't the best habit. Especially if you are snacking
on high calorie, high carbohydrate foods. It's is also a really hard habit
to b...
Bye-Bye Blog
That's right, this blog is going away on May 31. has decided to
eliminate blogs from the sites. This site is NOT going away. There are
still seve...
Less Talk. More Do.
This is the last blog post you'll be seeing here at Gardening.
I'll still be here, but the site is getting a long overdue make-over and
The Brain Mapping Initiatives: Foundational Issues
On December 6-7 at NYU, we are hosting a conference on "The Brain Mapping
Initiatives: Foundational Issues". The conference is devoted to
foundational issu...
China Skepticism
(I wrote this after my visit to Shanghai and Beijing in May ’10, as part of
my MBA program at Duke. I originally circulated it around with friends and
The Atheist Experience blog is moving!
(Original title: Important changes coming to the blog October 1!)
Commence unfounded wild speculation in 3... 2... 1...
*Edit*: As the commenters pointed o...
New report has good news about sustainable farming
Mark Bittman at the New York Times writes about a new report from the
United Nations that debunks the conventional wisdom that it isn’t possible
to feed th...
Free calling in Gmail extended through 2011
*(Cross posted from the Gmail blog)*
When we launched calling in Gmail back in August, we wanted it to be easy
and affordable, so we made calls to the U.S....
Please answer Eric’s Web Analytics survey!!!
You might have heard that Eric has launched a new survey about Web
Analytics. If you’re using Web Analytics within your company now is the
time to make a ...